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Course Detail

Course Name Introduction to Computing
Course Code 18CSA104
Program BA (English Language and Literature), 5 Year Integrated B.A. – M.A. (English Language & Literature)
Semester I
Credits 2
Year Taught 2019
Degree Undergraduate (UG), Integrated Degree
School School of Arts and Sciences
Campus Coimbatore, Kochi


Unit I: 

Introduction to Windows: Basics of Windows, The User Interface – Using Mouse and Moving Icons on the Screen, The My Computer Icon, The Recycle Bin, Status Bar, Start and Menu & Menu selection, Running an Application, Windows explorer, viewing a file, folders and directories, search for files and folders, create, save, edit, move and delete files and folders, opening and closing of windows. Windows setting – control panels, wall papers and screen savers, setting date and sound, concept of menu using help. Advanced windows – using right button of mouse, creating short cuts, basics of window set up, note pad, window accessories.

Unit II:

Word processing, MS Word.

Word processing basics – an introduction, menu bar, using the icons below menu bar. Page setter, page background, printing. Text creation and manipulation, paragraphs and tab setting, text selection, cut, copy and paste options, fond size. Alignment of texts, formatting the text, changing colour, paragraph indenting. Use of tab and tab setting. Inserting header and footer – page numbers, comments, foot notes, citations, caption, index, pictures, files, book mark, hyper link. Multiple documents, table manipulation, printing, print preview language utilities, spelling and grammar check – mail merge options, password locking, view – macros document views.

Unit III:

Spreadsheet: MS Excel.

Elements of electronic spreadsheet, application. Menu bar, creation of cells, addressing of cells, insert: tables, charts, illustrations, links, texts. Page layout – themes, setup, scale, sheet, arrange. Auto formatting, conditional formatting, auto correct, arranging windows – freeze pane – hiding windows. Providing formulas – using basic functions and other basic functions data.

Unit IV:

MS Power point – presentation application, duplicate slides, inserting slides, slides from auto layout. Slide views, slide layouts, deign templates. Slide show, customize show. Inserting header and footer, date and time, hyperlink. Format – fond, numbering. Custom animation, slide transition. Application integration: create linked objects between spreadsheets and word processing documents, embed word processing documents into spreadsheets..

Unit V:

WWW and web browsers – web browsing software. Surfing the internet: printing and saving portion of web page, downloading, favourites, book marks, return to favourite internet cites, use tabbed browsing, safely browse the internet.

Email – email addressing, mail box, saving mails, sending same mail to various users, document handling – sending soft copy as attachment, enclosures to email, sending a portion of document as email.


  1. S. Jain – MS Office 2010 Training Guide, BPB Publication.
  2. John Walkenbach Herb Tyson Michael R. Groh FaitheWempen Lisa A. Bucki – Microsoft Office 2010 Bible, Wiley India.
  3. Michael Price – 2010 in Easy Steps, TMH.

Core Reading

  1. Microsoft Office 2000 Complete, BPB Publications.
  2. Dinesh Maidasani – Learning Computer Fundementals, MS Office and Internet and Web Technology, Laxmi Publications.

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