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Course Detail

Course Name Introductory Microbiology lab
Course Code MIC 180
Program BSc. in Biotechnology, BSc. in Microbiology
Semester One
Credits Two
Year Taught 2019


Prescribed Syllabus

Sterilization techniques and principles, Media preparation-Liquid and Solid media-Agar deeps Slants, Agar plates, Cultural Characteristics, Pure Culture techniques-streaking, Motility determination-Soft agar deeps and Hanging drop method, Staining techniques: Simple staining, Gram staining, Endospore staining,

Sl. No. Topics to be covered No. of sessions alloted
1. Regulations in the lab 1.5h
2. Methods of Sterilization 1.5h
3. Media preparation-Broth,deep, slant and plate 3h
4. Pure Culture techniques- introduction and Streaking (Continuous and quadrant) 3h
5. Cultural Characteristics in broth and solid media 3h
6. Microscopy- introduction 3h
7. Motility determination-Soft agar deeps and Hanging drop method 3h
8. Staining techniques- Simple staining 3h
9. Negative Staining 3h
10. Gram staining 3h
11. Endospore Staining 3h
Syllabus - Year Taught
2015 2014

Text Books

  1. Microbiology Lab Manual by James G. Cappuccino and Natalia Sherman.
  2. Benson’s Microbiological Applications by Alfred E. Brown
  3. Amrita Virtual Lab


  • Rough Record – 10 marks
  • Fair Record – 10 marks
  • Assignment – 5
  • Viva – 10 marks
  • End Semester Exam – 65                                                                         


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