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Course Detail

Course Name Introductory Microbiology
Course Code MIC 100
Program BSc. in Biotechnology, BSc. in Microbiology
Semester One
Credits Three
Year Taught 2019



Basic concepts– Spontaneous generation, Germ theory of diseases, Cell theory. Contributions  of  Antonie  van  leuwenhoek, Joseph Lister, Robert Koch, Louis Pasteur,  Edward  Jenner, John Tyndall, Sergei N. Winogradsky, Selman A waksman, Alexander Flemming, Paul Erlich, Fannie Hesse, Elie Metchnikoff, Kary Mullis. Development of pure culture methods.Cell ultra structure: Peptidoglycan structure and synthesis.Cytoplasmic matrix and components: Inclusion bodies.


Sterilisation and disinfection- Definitions, Principles. Methods of sterilization- Physical    methods (Heat, Filteration), Radiation and Chemical methods. Control of sterilization and Testing of sterility. Microscopy – Principles, Light microscope, Phase Contrast, Dark field, Bright field, Fluorescent, Interference microscope (Stereo microscope), Confocal, Inverted microscope, and Electron microscope (TEM and SEM). Measurement of Microorganisms- Micrometry. Staining- Simple, Gram  staining, Negative  staining, Capsule  staining, Spore staining, Flagellar  staining, Nuclear staining and Acid fast staining.


Microbiological media, composition and types: selective and differential media Growth curve and growth kinetics. Influence of environemental factors for microbial growth. Nutritional groups of bacteria: overview Estimation of Microbes- Direct Microscopic count, Turbidometric assay, TVC- Indirect Method- CO2 liberation- Protein estimation- Maintenance and Preservation of cultures


Taxonomy– Principle and its types (Classical approach– Numerical, Chemical, Serological and Genetic). Bacterial taxonomy– Bergey’s manual of Systematic Bacteriology (Eubacteria and Archaebacterium).

Syllabus - Year Taught
2015 2014

Text Books


  • Prescott, L.M J.P. Harley and C.A. Klein 1995. Microbiology 2nd edition Wm, C. Brown publishers.
  • Michael J. Pelczar, Jr. E.C.S. Chan, Moel : Microbiology Mc Graw Hill Book R. Krieg, 1986 Company
  • Stainer R.Y. Ingraham J.L. Wheolis H.H and Painter P.R. 1986 The Microbial world, 5th edition. Eagle Works Cliffs N.J. Prentica Hall.

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