Code of practice for Engineering Drawing, BIS specifications – Welding symbols, riveted joints, keys, fasteners – Reference to handbook for the selection of standard components like bolts, nuts, screws, keys etc.
Course Name | Machine Drawing |
Course Code | 15MEC202 |
Program | B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering |
Semester | Three |
Year Taught | 2019 |
Code of practice for Engineering Drawing, BIS specifications – Welding symbols, riveted joints, keys, fasteners – Reference to handbook for the selection of standard components like bolts, nuts, screws, keys etc.
Limits, Fits – Tolerancing of individual dimensions – Specification of Fits – Manual, Preparation of production drawings and reading of part and assembly drawings.
Drawing, Editing, Dimensioning, Plotting Commands, Layering Concepts, Hatching, Detailing, Assembly, basic principles of GD & T (geometric dimensioning & tolerance).
Manual parts drawing and preparation of assembled views given part details for components followed by practicing the same using CAD packages.
Detailed drawings of following machine parts are given to students to assemble and draw the sectional or plain elevations / plans / and side views with Dimensioning and bill of materials.
Sleeve & Cotter joint, Spigot & Cotter joint, Knuckle joint, Stuffing Box, Screw Jack, Foot step bearing, Universal Coupling, Plummer Block, Swivel Bearing, Simple Eccentric, Machine Vice, Protected type flanged coupling, Connecting Rod, Tail Stock.
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