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Unit 1

Introduction: examples of dynamical systems, driven damped pendulum, ball on oscillating floor, dripping faucet, chaotic electrical circuits.

One-dimensional maps: the logistic map, bifurcations in the logistic map, fixed points and their stability, other one-dimensional maps.

Non-chaotic multidimensional flows: the logistic differential equation, driven damped harmonic oscillator, Van der Pol equation, numerical solution of differential equations.

Dynamical systems theory: two-dimensional equilibrium and their stability, saddle points, are contraction and expansion, non-chaotic three-dimensional attractors, stability of two-dimensional maps, chaotic dissipative flows.

Unit 2

Lyapunov exponents: for one- and two-dimensional maps and flows, for threedimensional flows, numerical calculation of largest Lyapunov exponent, Lyapunov exponent spectrum and general characteristics, Kaplan-Yorke dimension, numerical precautions.

Strange attractors: general properties, examples, search methods, probability of chaos and statistical properties of chaos, visualization methods, basins of attraction, structural stability.

Bifurcations: in one-dimensional maps and flows, Hopf bifurcations, homoclinic and heteroclinic bifurcations, crises.

Hamiltonian chaos: Hamilton’s equations and properties of Hamiltonian systems, examples, three-dimensional conservative flows, symplectic maps.

Unit 3

Time-series properties: examples, conventional linear methods, a case study, timedelay embeddings.

Nonlinear prediction and noise-reduction: linear predictors, state-space prediction, noise reduction, Lyapunov exponents from experimental data, false nearest neighbours

Fractals: Cantor sets, curves, trees, gaskets, sponges, landscapes.

Calculations of fractal dimension: similarity, capacity and correlation dimensions, entropy, BDS statistic, minimum mutual information, practical considerations.

Fractal measure and multifractals: convergence of the correlation dimension, multifractals, examples and numerical calculation of generalized dimensions.

Non-chaotic fractal sets: affine transformations, iterated functions systems, Mandelbrot and Julia sets.

Spatiotemporal chaos and complexity: examples, cellular automata, coupled map lattices, self-organized criticality.

Text Books

  • Hilborn, R. C., Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics, Second Edition, Oxford University Press, 2000


  • Sprott, J. C., Chaos and Time Series Analysis, Oxford University Press, 2003
  • Strogatz, S. H., Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Westview Press, 2001
  • Solari, H. G., Natiello, M. A., and Mindlin, G. B., Nonlinear Dynamics, Overseas Press (India) Private Limited, 2005

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