Unit I
- Hospital and it’s organization
Definition, Classification of hospital- Primary, Secondary and Tertiary hospitals, Classification based on clinical and non- clinical basis, Organization Structure of a Hospital, and Medical staffs involved in the hospital and their functions. - Hospital pharmacy and its organization
Definition, functions of hospital pharmacy, Organization structure, Location, Layout and staff requirements, and Responsibilities and functions of hospital pharmacists. - Adverse drug reaction
Classifications – Excessive pharmacological effects, secondary pharmacological effects, idiosyncra- sy, allergic drug reactions, genetically determined toxicity, toxicity following sudden withdrawal of drugs, Drug interaction- beneficial interactions, adverse interactions, and pharmacokinetic drug interactions, Methods for detecting drug interactions, spontaneous case reports and record linkage studies, and Adverse drug reaction reporting and management. - Community Pharmacy
Organization and structure of retail and wholesale drug store, types and design, Legal requirements for establishment and maintenance of a drug store, Dispensing of proprietary products, maintenance of records of retail and wholesale drug store.
(10 Hours)