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Course Detail

Course Name Philosophy of Mind (East and West)
Course Code 21PHL601
Program M.A. in Philosophy
Semester Three
Credits 4


Unit I

Cartesian Dualism: The Mind Body Relation, Problems of Causal Interactionism, Mind and Science.

Unit II

Behaviourism: Methodological and Philosophical Behaviourism, Explanatory Inadequacy, Cognitivism in Psychology. Functionalism: Mind as a Functional System, The Computational Mind, Problems of Inverted Spectrum and Absent Qualia.

Unit III

Consciousness, Cognitive Science and Philosophy, The Mystery of Consciousness and the Explanatory Gap, Naturalism About Phenomenal Consciousness.

Unit IV

Nyaya-Vaisesika Dualism: The Defining Property of Being Physical, Nyaya Dualism Distinguished from Cartesian Dualism, The Nature of Self, The Issue of Psycho-Physical Interaction.

Unit V

The Nature of Self: Vatsyayana’s Argument for the Self as a Substance, The Buddhist Aggregate Theory and Objections to the Category of Substance, The Reply to Buddhist Objections.


“Philosophy of Mind (East and West)” is a course offered to S3 MA Philosophy students. It aims to provide an insight to both the Indian and Western Philosophical schools of Mind. The course provides a detailed understanding on the concept of Mind from various schools of Philosophy. This course will help the students to get a clear understanding on the concept of ‘Consciousness’ from both Indian and Western Philosophical traditions.

Course Objectives

1. To introduce the various issues in Philosophy of Mind
2. To analyse the concept of Consciousness concept in cognitive science
3. To introduce the Nyāya conception of Dualism and its interconnectedness to Western concept
4. To analyse the concept of ‘Self’ from the view points of Buddhism and Nyāya

Course Outcomes

CO1: Understand the general features of Mind
CO2: To get a historical understanding on Philosophy of Mind
CO3: To analyse the scope, concerns and problems of Philosophy of Mind in both Western and Indian Philosophical schools
CO4: To develop a culture of critical and analytical thinking




1, David Chalmers. The Conscious Mind. UK: Oxford University Press, 1996. English.
2, E. J. Lowe. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind. USA: Cambridge University Press, 2000. English.
3, David M Armstrong. A Materialist Theory of Mind. London: Routledge, 1968. English.
4, Kisor Kumar Chakrabarti. Classical Indian Philosophy of Mind. New Delhi: ICPR, 2001. English.

CO – PO Affinity Map



CO1 3 3 3
CO2 3 3 3
CO3 1 3 2 3 1
CO4 3 3 1

3- Strong, 2- Moderate, 1- Weak

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