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Course Detail

Course Name Phonetics and Grammar
Course Code 18ELL305
Program BA (English Language and Literature), 5 Year Integrated B.A. – M.A. (English Language & Literature)
Semester V
Credits 4
Year Taught 2019
Degree Undergraduate (UG), Integrated Degree
School School of Arts and Sciences
Campus Coimbatore, Kochi


Course Outline

Unit 1

Introduction to phonetics and grammar- Growth and development.

Unit 2

English sound system- Speech mechanism and organs of speech-Classification of SoundsVowels and Consonants- Description- Syllable structure- IPA and RP – Phonology, Phonemes, Allophones, Suprasegmentals-pitch, stress, intonation-transcription.

Unit 3

Syntax- types of sentences-Sentence patterns- Clauses and Phrases-Order of words- Normal and Inverted-Conversion-Concord.

Unit 4

Tense-verb forms-degrees of comparison-articles- Remedial grammar-error identification.

Unit 5

Mechanics of writing-linkers-punctuation-markers-written composition-narrative, descriptive, argumentative etc.


To introduce the basics of phonetics and English phonology and to provide grounding in English grammar and mechanics of writing with a view to inculcate good speech and writing skills.

Core Reading

  1. Balasubramanian, T. English Phonetics for Indian Students. Chennai: Macmillan, 1981.
  2. Syamala,V. A Textbook of English Phonetics and Structure for Indian Students.Trivandrum: Sharath Ganga Publications, 1992.
  3. John, PP. A Text Book of English Grammar.
  4. Jones, Daniel. Pronunciation of English. Forgotten Books, 2017.


  1. Green, David. Contemporary English Grammar Structure and Composition. Macmillan Publishers India Limited, 2000.
  2. Gimson, A C. An English Pronouncing Dictionary.J. M. Dent, 1981.
  3. Swan, Michael. Practical English Usage. OUP, 2005.
  4. Palmer, Frank. Grammar.

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