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Unit 1

Review of Classical Physics and dual nature of Waves /particle

Review of Kinematics, Force, Newton’s Laws, Linear Momentum, Work, Energy, Power, Angular Motion – Kinematics and Mechanics, Angular momentum Torque, Conservation laws (linear and angular).

Particle properties of waves: Photoelectric effect, quantum theory of light, X-ray diffraction, Compton effect, pair production. Wave properties of particles: Waves, De Broglie waves, Group velocity and phase velocity, uncertainty principle.

Unit 2

Atomic Structure and Quantum Mechanics

Atomic Structure: Various models of atom, Atomic Spectra, Energy Levels, Correspondence Principle, Nuclear Motion, Atomic Excitation, and Rutherford Scattering.

Quantum Mechanics: Introduction – wave equation – Schrodinger’s equation (time dependent and independent) – expectation values, operators, Eigen value (momentum and energy) – 1D potential box (finite and infinite) – tunnel effect – harmonic oscillator.

Unit 3

Statistical Mechanics and Solid State Physics

Statistical Mechanics: Classical Distribution – Maxwell’s Boltzmann-Molecular energies of an ideal gas – most probable speed. Quantum Statistics – Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac. Applications – Black Body Radiation, Specific heat of solids, free electrons in metals, Electron energy.

Solid State Physics: Types of solids, Crystallography, Bonds – Ionics, Covalent, and Van der Waals, Band Theory and energies, Semiconductor Devices, and Superconductivity.

Text Books

  1. “Concept of Modern Physics”, Arthur Beiser, Tata-McGraw Hill, edition


“Principles of Physics“ by Halliday, Resnick and Walker, 9th edition

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