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Course Detail

Course Name Physics Lab III – Modern Physics   
Course Code 22PHY282
Semester 4
Credits 1


Lab Experiments
  1. Study of black body spectra
  2. Determination of Planck’s constant and De Broglie wavelength of Electrons using photo electric experiments.
  3. Determination of Rydberg’s constant from hydrogen spectrum
  4. Determination of charge to mass ratio of electron – Thomson’s method
  5. Verification of Bohr’s theory – Franck – Hertz Experiment.
  6. Determination of charge of electron by Millikan’s oil drop method.
  7. Electron Spin Resonance- Determination of ‘g’ factor of an electron
  8. Determination of Ferro magnetic Curie temperature of a given sample
  9. Studying the Energy gap of semiconductors

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