- Diode rectifier –full wave bridge rectifier
- Diode Characteristics: Si, Ge, Zener diodes and voltage regulation using Zener diode (Line and load regulation).
- Construction of Dual supply with 12 V – IC regulator
- Design and performance study of Op-Amp based active filters (Low pass, high pass, band pass, band rejection) and frequency response amplifiers
- Basic Opp –amp circuits- Inverting and non-inverting amplifier, Summing and difference amplifier
- Multivibrators: Astable, Monostable and Bistable- Using 555 -Timers
- Combination of gate universal- NAND and NOR as universal building blocks and verification of De Morgan’s theorem
- Flip flops: D, RS, JK and Master slave
- Half adder, Full adder and Subtractor
- Counters and Registers- 4 bits.
- Encoders and Decoders 4 bits
- Response and characteristic of RC, LC and RLC and resonance circuits
- M. Tech. in Automotive Engineering -
- Fellowship In Interventional Pulmonology and Pulmonary Critical care - Fellowship