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Course Detail

Course Name Probability and Statistics                                        
Course Code 23DLS502
Semester 1
Credits 4


Unit I

Sample Space and Events, Interpretations and Axioms of Probability, Addition rules, Conditional Probability, Multiplication and Total Probability rules, Independence, Bayes theorem.
Random variables, Probability Distributions and Probability mass functions, Cumulative Distribution functions, mathematical expectation, variance, moments and moment generating function.

Unit II

Standard discrete distributions – Binomial, Poisson, Uniform, Geometric distributions, Negative binomial and Hypergeometric Distributions -Standard continuous distributions – Uniform, Exponential, Gamma, Beta and Normal distributions. Chebyshev’s theorem. Two dimensional random variables-Joint, marginal and conditional probability distributions for discrete and continuous cases, independence, expectation of two dimensional random variables – conditional mean, conditional variance, covariance and correlation.

Unit III

Tests of Hypotheses: Tests of Statistical Hypotheses, One-Sided and Two-Sided Hypotheses, P-Values in Hypothesis Tests, General Procedure for Hypothesis Tests, Tests on the Mean and Variance. F, t and Chi-square tests.


  1. Douglas C. Montgomery and George C. Runger, Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, John Wiley and Sons Inc., 2005
  2. Amir D Azcel, Jayavel Sounderpandian, Palanisamy Saravanan and Rohit Joshi, Complete Business Statistics, 7th edition McGrawHill education 2012.
  3. Ronald E. Walpole, Raymond H. Myers, Sharon L. Myers and Keying Ye, Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 8th Edition, Pearson Education Asia, 2007.

Reference books

  1. Ross S.M., Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 3rd edition, Elsevier Academic Press.
  2. Ravichandran, J. Probability and Statistics for engineers, First Reprint Edition, Wiley India, 2012.

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