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Course Detail

Course Name Process Design and Integration
Course Code 15CHE401
Program B. Tech. in Chemical Engineering
Semester Seven
Year Taught 2019


Unit 1

Chemical process design process, Hierarchy of chemical process design and integration, Newdesign vs. retrofit, approaches, Heuristics for process design. Conceptual Process Synthesis – Diagrams for understanding chemical processes, Structure and hierarchical synthesis of flow sheets.

Reactor Network Synthesis – Reactor type and conditions for reaction systems, geometric techniques for synthesis of reactor networks.

Unit 2

Separation system Synthesis – Distillation column sequencing for ideal liquid mixtures, Separation system structure for non-ideal mixtures using distillation / residue curves. Reaction, Separation and recycle systems for batch and continuous processes.

Unit 3

Heat Exchanger Network: Synthesis using Pinch Technology – Targets for minimum utilities, area, total cost. Pinch design method for heat exchange network design, Evolutionary synthesis for minimum number of exchanges design. Heat integration of process equipments.

Text Books

  • Robin Smith, Chemical Process Design and Integration, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., New Delhi, 2014.


  • Warren D. Seider, J. D. Seader, Daniel R. Lewin, Soemantri Widagdo, Product and Process Design Principles: Synthesis, Analysis and Design, 3rd Edn, Wiley, 2010
  • Richard Turton, Richard C. Bailie, Wallace B. Whiting, Joseph A. Shaeiwitz, Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Chemical Processes, 3rd Edn, Pearson Education, 2008
  • Biegler, L. T., Grossmann, I. E., and Westerberg, A. W. “Systematic Methods for Chemical Process Design”, Prentice-Hall, 1997.
  • Douglas, J. M. “Conceptual Design of Chemical Processes”, McGraw Hill, 1988.
  • Harry Silla, Chemical Process Engineering Design and Economics, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 2003

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