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Course Detail

Course Name Research Methodology
Course Code BIO 317
Program BSc. in Biotechnology, BSc. in Microbiology
Semester Five
Credits Two
Year Taught 2019


Research Methodology in life sciences. Literature Search: Use of databases, framing query with examples. Bibliometrics: Citation, Impact factor, Eigen factor.  Hypothesis as a framework for scientific projects. Alternatives of hypothesis driven research: hypothesis generating research. Experimental Design: different experimental designs, controls, Taking measurements. Data Analysis: Between-individual variation, replication and sampling. Common statistical tests with Excel. Writing research hypothesis (grant). Presenting research: oral and poster.

Syllabus - Year Taught
2015 2014

Text Books


  1. Research Methods for the Biosciences. Holmes, Moody & Dine. Oxford University Press.
  2. Experimental Design for the Life Sciences. Ruxton & Colegrave. Oxford University Press.
  3. Experimental Design for Biologists. David J. Glass. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

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