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Unit 1

Symmetry in Crystal Systems : Types of symmetry, plane, axis and centre of symmetry, crystal systems and symmetry elements. Law of rational indices, miller indices, Weiss indices – plane systems, space lattices, unitcells – unitcell dimension, determination. Space lattice – definition and types Bravais lattice – kinds of bravais lattices, number of atoms in SC, BCC, FCC lattices, void space, Radius ratio rule and application. Crystal defects – types of defects in crystals – stoichiometric defect – schottky and frenkel defects – Non-stoichiometric defects – metal excess and metal deficiency defects, influence of defects on the properties of solids.

Unit 2

Electrical and Magnetic Properties : Development of free electron theory to band theory of solids – metals and their properties; semiconductors – extrinsic and intrinsic, Hall effect; Insulators – dielectric, ferroelectric, pyroelectric and peizoelectric properties and the relationship between them. Dia, para, ferro, ferri, antiferro and antiferri magnetic types – selected magnetic materials such as spinels, garnets and perovskites, superconductors.

Diffraction Methods : X-ray diffraction – various methods of X-ray analysis of structure-ray diffraction pattern, X-ray scattering factor. Results and uses of Xray diffraction. Limitations of X-ray diffractions.

Unit 3

Neutron diffraction – principles, electron diffraction patterns, limitations – applications of electron diffraction – structural elucidation. Distinction between X-ray, Neutron and electron diffraction. Structure factor – definition, factors influencing structure factor. Uses of structure factor.

Fourier synthesis – definition, applications of fourier synthesis in crystal structure analysis of S-Tetrazine. Structure of Rutile, Fluorite, Antifluorite, Zinc blende, Wurtzite, diamond and graphite.

Text Books


  • Cotton F. A, Wilkinson G and Gaus P, “Basic Inorganic Chemistry”, 3rd edition, John Wiley and Sons, (2003).
  • Shriver D. F and Atkins P. W, “Inorganic Chemistry”, 3rd edition, ELBS, Oxford University Press, Oxford, (2004).
  • Huheey J. E, Keiter E. A and Keiter R. L, “Inorganic Chemistry”, 4th edition, Addison-Wesley Pub. London, (1993).
  • Cotton F. A, Wilkinson G, Murillo C. A and Bochmann M, “Advanced Inorganic Chemistry”, 6th edition, John Wiley and Sons, New York, (2003).
  • Jolly W. L, “Modern Inorganic Chemistry”, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc., (1991).
  • Miessler G. L and Tarr D. A, “Inorganic Chemistry”, 3rd edition, Pearson Education, Singapore, (2004).

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