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Course Detail

Course Name Transportation Engineering I
Course Code 15CVL313
Program B. Tech. in Civil Engineering
Semester Six
Year Taught 2019


Unit 1

Highway Engineering: Introduction to Transportation Systems and Study of System Characteristics; Salient features of first, second, third and fourth road development plans in India – planning surveys and master plan preparations. Classification of Roads; Highway Planning; Geometrical Design – Road Cross Sections, Sight Distance and Applications, Super elevation, Horizontal and Vertical Alignment.

Unit 2

Pavement Materials, Design, Construction & Maintenance: Pavement Materials – Aggregate and Bitumen Characteristics and Testing, Bituminous Mix Design – Marshall Mix Design; Pavement Design – Design Elements and Loads. Design of flexible and rigid pavements – CBR method and guidelines of IRC method. Pavement Construction and maintenance– related equipment.

Unit 3

Traffic engineering and control: Introduction – Road user, vehicle and traffic characteristics – Speed and volume studies – Principles of design of at-grade intersections – Simple layouts – Objectives, classification and uses of traffic signs and road markings.Classification of transport technologies-intermodal co-ordination – ITS and automated highways.

Text Books

  1. Khanna S K and Justo C E G., “Highway Engineering”, Nem Chand and Bros, 2011.
  2. Kadiyali, L. R., “Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning”, Khanna, Publishers, 2008.


  • Papacostas, C S, and Prevedouros. P. D, “Transportation Engineering and Planning”, Prentice Hall, 2009.
  • Chandola, S. P., “A Text Book of Transportation Engineering”, S Chand & Co. Ltd., 2001.

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