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Unit 1

Food and Food Groups

Introduction to foods, food groups, locally available foods, Nutrients, Cooking methods, Synergy between foods, Science behind foods, Food allergies, food poisoning, food safety standards.

Cookery Practicals – Balanced Diet

Unit 2

Nutrients and Nutrition

Nutrition through life cycle, RDA, Nutrition in disease, Adulteration of foods & Food additives, Packaging and labeling of foods.

Practicals – Traditional Foods

Unit 3

Introduction to Food Biotechnology

Future foods – Organic foods and genetically modified foods, Fortification of foodsvalue addition of foods, functional foods, Nutraceuticals, supplementary foods, Processing and preservation of foods, applications of food technology in daily life, and your prospects associated with food industry – Nanoparticles, biosensors, advanced research.

Practicals – Value added foods

Text Books

  1. N. Shakuntalamanay, M. Shadaksharaswamy, “Food Facts and principles”, New age international (P) ltd, publishers, 2005.
  2. B. Srilakshmi, “Dietetics”, New age international (P) ltd, publishers, 2010


  • B. Srilakshmi, “Food Science”, New age international (P) ltd, publishers, 2008.
  • “Nutrient requirement and Recommended Dietary Allowances for Indians”, published by Indian Council of Medical Research, ICMR,2010.

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