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Course Detail

Course Name Wind Energy Conversion Systems
Course Code 18PR711
Program M. Tech. in Power & Energy Engineering(Smart Grids & Electric Vehicles)
Year Taught 2018


Course Syllabus

History of wind turbine development and trends.

Review on wind resource assessment: Wind regime modelling, measurement instruments, Weibull parameters, height dependency, wind resources worldwide and in India, wind energy forecast.

Wind turbine: Review on basic aerodynamics, air foils, types and characteristics of wind turbine, turbine design, blade element theory, Betz limit, wake analysis, wind turbine rotor design considerations, number of blades, blade profile, 2/3 blades and teetering, coning, power regulation, wind turbine loads, aerodynamic loads in steady operation, wind turbulence, and tower shadow, wind turbine components, braking, yaw system, tower, others.

WTGS: Fixed speed and variable speed systems. Electrical machines for wind energy systems, synchronous and asynchronous generators and power electronics. Integration of wind energy systems to electrical networks, converters, inverters, directly connected, wind energy storage solutions.

Control systems: requirements, components and strategies. Small wind turbines special considerations and designs, testing, noise issues, Off-shore turbines.

Implementation: Site selection and turbine spacing, rotor selection, Annual Energy Output (AEO), optimal placement of wind turbine in a wind park, ICT based monitoring and control of wind farms.

Financial considerations: installed costs, payback time, Levelized Energy Cost (LEC), simulation oriented case studies.

Text Books / References

  • Joshua Earnest and Tore Wizelius, “Wind Power Plants and Project Development”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2011.
  • J. F. Manwell, J. G. McGowan and A. L. Rogers, “Wind Energy Explained – Theory, Design and Application”, Wiley, 2009.
  • Earnest Joshua, “Wind Power Technology”, Second edition, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2015.
  • Johnson G. L., “Wind Energy Systems”, Prentice Hall, 1994 (published by the author online).
  • Spera D. A., “Wind Turbine Technology: Fundamental Concepts of Wind Turbine Engineering”, ASME Press, New York, 2009.
  • Voker Quashning, “Understanding Renewable Energy Systems”, Earthscan, Second edition, 2016.
  • Tony Burton, David Sharpe, Nick Jenkins, Ervin Bossanyi, “Wind Energy Handbook” JOHN WILEY & SONS, LTD , Second Edition,2011.
  • Freris. L. L., “Wind Energy Conversion Systems”, Prentice Hall 1990.


‘Wind Energy Conversion Systems’ is a course offered in the M. Tech. in Power & Energy Engineering program at School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri campus.

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