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Part A - Electronics

Identification of electronic components (Passive and Active)
Study of measuring instruments (Voltmeter, Ammeter and Multimeter)
Measurement and theoretical Verification of series and parallel combination of resistors and capacitors
Calibration of CRO and measurements of signal parameters (RMS, maximum value, peak value, time and frequency)
Calibration of function generator using CRO
Soldering practice

Part B - Electrical
  1. Study on power supply and protective devices
  2. Study on tools and electrical accessories
  3. Study on sources of light
  4. Study on energy efficiency
  5. Study on water pump
  6. Study on house hold appliances:
    • Iron box
    • Fan
    • Refrigerator
    • Air conditioner
  7. House wiring I – Glow an incandescent lamp using SPST switch
  8. House wiring II – Glow a fluorescent lamp using SPST switch
  9. House wiring III – Operate a fan and an incandescent lamp using two independent SPST switch
  10. House wiring IV – Operate a fluorescent lamp and a 3 pin socket using two independent SPST switch
  11. House wiring V – Staircase wiring
  12. House wiring VI – Godown wiring

Text Books


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