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Description & Objectives

As an academic researcher or a non-academic embarking on a research project we often do not know where to begin where it comes to searching for literature and writing a literature review. This workshop addresses an often neglected aspect of research methodology and is focussed on how to conduct a literature review and how to replicate others’ work as a tool to learn from them.

In the case that we have a clear idea of what we want to do, we conduct a literature search to find out if others have done something similar. The other alternative is that we have a rough idea of what we want to research and our literature search is intended to help us develop and refine these ideas further. In both cases, it is worthwhile to learn tools on how we can both effectively and efficiently learn from others.

In this workshop, we will learn the following:

  • How to find literature,
  • How to efficiently read journal articles,
  • How to write a literature review and
  • How to learn from others work by replicating their work (by re-estimating models on their datasets using ‘R’)

This workshop hopes to welcome researchers in social science and management. It will take place on the beautiful Coimbatore campus of Amrita School of Business situated in the outskirts of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India and is easily reached by train and air transport.

The workshop will run from 9:00 – 17:00 on January 19, 2019 (Saturday) and January 20, 2019 (Sunday).


  • Webster, J., & Watson, R. (2002). Analyzing the Past to Prepare for the Future: Writing a Literature Review. MIS Quarterly, 26(2), 13-23.
  • Bettis, R. A., Helfat, C. E. and Shaver, J. M. (2016), The necessity, logic, and forms of replication. Strat. Mgmt. J., 37: 2193-2203. doi:10.1002/smj.2580
  • Prof. Dr. Ruud Koning, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands.
  • Mr. Sandeep Pillai, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA.
  • Dr. Padma Rao Sahib, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands.

Full attendance at all modules on both days is required to obtain the participation certificate.

Application Process

Interested students and researchers should register online (and submit the required documents) no later than January 12, 2019. The number of participants will be limited to ensure interaction and learning. The coordinators and host institution will conduct the selection among the applicants. Please include the following documents with your application:

  • Applicant’s curriculum vitae.
  • One page description of his/her (doctoral) research or intended area of research, indicating the general objectives.

Fees include participation in the workshop and tea and coffee during the breaks.

Participants from host instituitions € 35 (including food and accommodation)
External participants: € 45 participation fee + € 15 for food and accommodation.

More details will be shared after you apply.

Accommodation & Other Practicalities

Simple dormitory style accommodation may be reserved at the Amrita University campus. The accommodation consists of shared rooms with at most two additional members of the same gender sharing the same room and toilet facilities. The cost of these accommodations for the duration of the workshop is included for participants from host institutions.

Participants will be selected based on application materials. Please note that a maximum of 25 applications will be accepted. Applications will close once this number is reached. The final deadline for applications is January 12, 2019.


Dr. Padma Rao Sahib
Academic Coordinator
Department of Global Economics and Management,
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen,
Groningen, The Netherlands.

Sreeram Kongeseri
Center for Women Empowerment and Gender Equality,
Amritpuri campus.


Admissions Apply Now