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Siji Rani S.

Asst. Professor, School of Computing, Amritapuri

Qualification: BE, M.Tech
Research Interest: Complex Networks, Digital Image Processing, Social Networking Graph Analytics, Software Engineering, Web Science


Sijirani S. currently serves as an Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.) at the School of Computing, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri. She pursued her M. Tech in Computer and Information Technology from MS University. She has 13 years and 9 months of academic experience.



Journal Article

Year : 2016

Colour transformation for deuteranopic viewers

Cite this Research Publication : Siji Rani S. and Rajeev, R., “Colour transformation for deuteranopic viewers”, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, vol. 9, no. 10, pp. 4527-4535, 2016

Publisher : International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Serials Publications.

Conference Paper

Year : 2023

An Enhanced Image Loading Framework for Social Media Applications

Cite this Research Publication : S. Rani S, L. S. Nair and V. M S, "An Enhanced Image Loading Framework for Social Media Applications," 2023 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems (ACCESS), Kalady, Ernakulam, India, 2023.

Publisher : IEEE

Year : 2021

Enhanced Movie Recommendation using Knowledge Graph and Particle Filtering

Cite this Research Publication : T.T.Ajith,A.K. C.V,N.J,M.S.A. Subramanian and S. R.S, "Enhanced Movie Recommendation using Knowledge Graph and Particle Filtering,"2021 2nd International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC), 2021, pp. 1139-1144, doi: 10.1109/ICOSEC51865.2021.9591834

Publisher : IEEE

Year : 2021

Architecture Design of AI and IoT based System to Identify COVID-19 Protocol Violators in Public Places

Cite this Research Publication : M. R. Gaushik, M. R. Jivthesh, S. SijiRani, N. B. SaiShibu andS. N. Rao,"Architecture Design of AI and IoT based System to Identify COVID-19 Protocol Violators in Public Places," 2021 12th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICCCNT51525.2021.9579722.

Publisher : IEEE

Year : 2019

Hyper graph based clustering for document similarity using FP growth algorithm

Cite this Research Publication : N. Ramakrishnan, M. Nair J., D. Jayaprakash, H. Anantha Krishnan and S.Rani S.,"Hyper graph based clustering for document similarity using FP growth algorithm," 2019 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICCS), 2019, pp. 332-336, doi: 10.1109/ICCS45141.2019.9065630

Publisher : IEEE

Year : 2017

A hybrid approach for automatic document summarization

Cite this Research Publication : Siji Rani S., Sreejith, K., and Sanker, A., “A hybrid approach for automatic document summarization”, in 2017 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), Udupi, India, 2017

Publisher : 2017 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), IEEE, Udupi, India.

Year : 2017

Hand gesture control of virtual object in augmented reality

Cite this Research Publication : Siji Rani S., Dhrisya, K. J., and Ahalyadas, M., “Hand gesture control of virtual object in augmented reality”, in 2017 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), Udupi, India, 2017

Publisher : 2017 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI)

Year : 2015

Home Automation Using Android Application

Cite this Research Publication : A. G. S., Varma, O. R., S., S., Hariharan, V., and Siji Rani S., “Home Automation Using Android Application”, in 6th International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Application (ACT 2015), 2015.

Publisher : 6th International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Application (ACT 2015)

Conference Proceedings

Year : 2023

Spatio-Temporal Prediction in Epidemiology Using Graph Convolution Network

Cite this Research Publication : Siji Rani, S., Dhanyalaxmi, P., Akshay, A.S., Ananthakrishnan, K.M., Siva Sankar, A. (2023). Spatio-Temporal Prediction in Epidemiology Using Graph Convolution Network. In: Choudrie, J., Mahalle, P.N., Perumal, T., Joshi, A. (eds) IOT with Smart Systems. ICTIS 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 720. Springer, Singapore.

Publisher : Springer

Year : 2019

Hypergraph based clustering for document similarity using FP growth algorithm

Cite this Research Publication : N. Ramakrishnan, M. Nair J., D. Jayaprakash, H. Ananthakrishnan and S. Rani S., "Hypergraph based clustering for document similarity using FP growth algorithm," 2019 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICCS), Madurai, India, 2019

Publisher : IEEE

Year : 2019

A Novel Approach for Meta-Search Engine Optimization

Cite this Research Publication : Siji Rani S. and Goutham, S., “A Novel Approach for Meta-Search Engine Optimization”, Ambient Communications and Computer Systems, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 904. Springer Singapore, Singapore, 2019

Publisher : Ambient Communications and Computer Systems, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Book Chapter

Year : 2023

YUDH: Multi-utility Tool to Reassure Serenity in the COVID-19 Pandemic

Cite this Research Publication : Krishna Das, K.S., Vasudevan, A., Nair, A.K., Siji Rani, S. (2023).YUDH: Multi-utility Tool to Reassure Serenity in the COVID-19 Pandemic. In:Pati, B., Panigrahi,C.R., Mohapatra,P.,Li, KC. (eds)Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advance Computing and Intelligent Engineering. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems,vol

Publisher : : SpringerNature

Year : 2023

A Hybrid Product Recommendation System Based on Weather Analysis

Cite this Research Publication : Baby, S.S., Siji Rani, S. (2023). A Hybrid Product Recommendation System Based onWeather Analysis. In:Pati,B.,Panigrahi,C.R.,Mohapatra, P., Li, KC. (eds) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advance Computing and IntelligentEngineering.LectureNotesinNetworksandSystems,vol428.Springer,Singapore.

Publisher : SpringerNature

Year : 2021

A Novel Approach to Text Summarisation Using Topic Modelling and Noun Phrase Extraction

Cite this Research Publication : Lal, N.M., Krishnanunni, S., Vijayakumar, V., Vaishnavi, N.,SijiRani,S.,Deepa Raj,K.(2021). A Novel Approach to Text Summarisation Using Topic Modelling and Noun Phrase Extraction. In: Thampi, S.M., Gelenbe, E., Atiquzzaman, M., Chaudhary, V., Li, KC. (eds) Advances in Computing and Network Communications. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol736. Springer, Singapore.

Publisher : SpringerNature

Year : 2020

Educational App for Android-Specific Users—EA-ASU

Cite this Research Publication : SijiRani, S.,Krishnanunni, S. (2020).Educational App for Android-Specific Users—EA-ASU. In: Hu, YC., Tiwari, S., Trivedi, M., Mishra, K. (eds) Ambient Communications and Computer Systems. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1097. Springer, Singapore.

Publisher : SpringerNature

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