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Testing of Wearable Health Monitoring Devices in Remote Villages

Start Date: Friday, Dec 01,2017

End Date: Wednesday, Jan 31,2018

Thematic Area: Health & Hygiene

Co-Project Incharge:Kripesh E.V., Durga P., and Gayathri
Testing of Wearable Health Monitoring Devices in Remote Villages

Thematic Area: Health & Hygiene

Project Guides: Rahul Krishnan, Center for Wireless Networks & Applications

International Partners: Arsalan Haghdel and Aye Bay Na Sa, University at Buffalo, U.S.

Amrita Partner: Kripesh E.V., Durga P., and Gayathri, Center for Wireless Networks & Applications

Village: Wayanad, Kerala

Project Duration: 1 month

Identified Challenge & Aim:

Equity in access to healthcare is still a major challenge for residents of rural communities. This is especially true for inhabitants of tribal villages. With a lack of sufficient transportation facilities, transportation infrastructure, and sheer distance being a barrier between healthcare centers and rural habitations, rural patients are unable to connect with doctors and receive required treatment. The current project seeks to refine the proposed wearable wireless monitoring system by further incorporating input from the field.

The Study/Innovation:

Continuing into the next phase of the Amrita Spandanam project engendered by the Center for Wireless Networks & Applications, students and Amrita faculty conducted further field tests of a wearable Electrocardiogram (ECG) machine and a non-invasive glucose monitoring device in a tribal village in Wayanad, Kerala. Students interacted with villagers, especially those at risk of cardiovascular disease, and interviewed them about current perceptions and concerns regarding access to healthcare. Students also visited a primary healthcare center (PHC) in Alappad, Kerala to gain an understanding of current practices of healthcare monitoring and ground challenges faced by medical practitioners. Based on data collected from the field, students proposed strategies to increase the acceptability of wearable health monitoring devices among rural patients.

Publication: In progress

Addresses Sustainable Development Goals:

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