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Ayurveda Virtual Simulation Training Portal – AyurSIM

School: School of Ayurveda

Principal Investigators: Dr. Anup Thakkar, ITRA, Jamnagar, Dr. Prema Nedungadi, Amrita CREATE

Co-Principal Investigators: Dr. Mandip Goyal, ITRA, Jamnagar, Dr. P. Rammanohar, Amrita School of Ayurveda

Ayurveda Virtual Simulation Training Portal – AyurSIM

To make clinical training more effective in Ayurveda hospitals, creating tools that help visualize procedures, protocols, and case studies using virtual patient cases is crucial. Currently, there are no simulations for Ayurveda students that allow students pursuing the study of Ayurveda to visualize, learn, practice, and experience Ayurvedic procedures using virtual simulations/animations. AyurSIM will provide an easy-to-use learning environment designed to assist Ayurvedic students in their primary years of education. The platform utilizes simulation aides to replicate clinical scenarios and allows features like practice and feedback for basic Ayurvedic diagnostic procedures. Each case includes a variety of dynamic and interactively controlled simulations. This makes learning multimodal and multidimensional. Text and graphics, audio and video sequences, and multiple simulations are integrated to represent multiple disease conditions in a single virtual patient case. AyurSIM is the first-ever simulation tool for clinical training in Ayurveda. AyurSIM will include 54 simulated clinical cases covering nine clinical specialties in Ayurveda. This project is implemented by Amrita CREATE and Amrita School of Ayurveda in collaboration with Institute for Training and Research in Ayurveda at Jamnagar, Gujarat. The project is funded by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India.

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