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Hybrid Solar and Archimedes Spiral Wind Turbine Tree for Microgrid

Project Incharge : Dr. Manjula G. Nair

Hybrid Solar and Archimedes Spiral Wind Turbine Tree for Microgrid

Energy is the biggest challenge for developing countries in the sustainable development process. The rapid increase in population is motivating the researcher’s mind to originate a new provenance of energy instead of fossil fuel. Wind energy is one of the most rapidly developing renewable energy technologies. In that field of research conventional turbines, which are commercially available in some places, are designed to run at relatively high speeds to be sufficiently effective but not in urban areas. So, there is a scope for new turbine designs, hybrid models like the combination of any two different renewable energies instead of traditional models. Here comes the new innovation called Hybrid Solar and Archimedes  Spiral Wind Turbine Tree for a Microgrid. This turbine design is completely different from the traditional three-blade turbine design i.e., Archimedes Spiral Wind Turbine (ASWT). It works based on the Archimedean spiral principle. Here it is a combination of two renewable energies i.e., solar and wind energy. The main advantage of this ASWT is it uses both lift and drag forces to take power from wind energy. This type of horizontal axis turbine has great potential for extracting wind energy and has advantages like faster RPM, producing more voltage, and operating at low speeds with high efficiency. This turbine is effective for urban usage. This invention will have high efficiency because it will be a combination of several modules combined together, hence forming a tree-like structure. There is a lot of scope for research related to this field. Finally with proper research and funding hardware prototype can be developed and there are chances to get a patent for the final model.

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