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Mechanical Engineering Virtual Labs

Start Date: Friday, Jan 01,2010

School: School of Engineering

Project Incharge:Josh Freeman
Funded by:MHRD
Mechanical Engineering Virtual Labs

Amrita University is creating comprehensive Mechanical Engineering Virtual Labs in the following areas: Mechanics of Solids, Wind Energy, Solar Thermal Energy, and Energy Storage. Each lab consists of 8 to 10 experiments. All experiments have a common web platform where students can view experiments via a web interface happening in real-time with a web-cam. 

They manipulate the variables on real physical laboratory equipment and view the effects on the physical equipment in real time, all via the web interface. Experimental data is presented as graphs, tables, and user-downloadable spreadsheets. The remote nature of these experiments mean that students are able to learn from anywhere in the world in a near hands-on, practical way, about the fundamental concepts in mechanical engineering.

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