- M. Tech. in Automotive Engineering -
- Fellowship In Interventional Pulmonology and Pulmonary Critical care - Fellowship
Start Date: Wednesday, Mar 14,2007
End Date: Saturday, Feb 14,2009
School: School of Engineering, Coimbatore
This testing facility is created to modernize the Heat Engines laboratory with funding from AICTE in the MODROB scheme with the following equipments.
The various stages of combustion in IC Engines can be identified and the effect of speed on the combustion pressure is studied. In cylinder pressure measurements could give an insight into the nature of combustion at that particular crank angle. This could be extended to give a feel of the online engine management systems and their utility. This equipment can be used to find out heat release in engines, peak pressures at specific speeds and compression ratios, effects of injection pressures on the cylinder pressure, Intake pressure fluctuations and their impact on the volumetric efficiency, optimization of the injector holes and angles to name a few. Relationship between the cooling water temperature, exhaust temperature and the combustion pressure are determined. CFD studies for incylinder flow analysis is also carried out and validated. The effect of injection advance on the combustion characteristics of an engine with biodiesel /alternate fuels and fuel blends are also tested.