Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : International Journal of Control Theory and Applications
Source : International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Serials Publications, Volume 9, Number 15, p.7187-7195 (2016)
Url :
Campus : Bengaluru
School : School of Engineering
Department : Electrical and Electronics
Year : 2016
Abstract : Travelling Wave Tube (TWT) is a high gain microwave amplifier used in RADAR transmitters. TWTs require a highly sophisticated high voltage power supply for powering its electrodes viz., cathode and collectors. The high voltage power supply should have low output ripple and good regulation(few hundreds of millivolts) on cathode to obtain good RF performance and the power supply needs to be short circuit protected. This paper presents the high voltage power supply designed for a TWT based radar transmitter with electrode voltages of -9kV, -4.4kV and - 6.2kVDC. Input voltage of the high voltage power supply (HVPS) is 65VDC. The high voltage output is achieved with a series resonant converter operating at a high frequency of 100 kHz. The inverter output is stepped up by a high voltage high frequency transformer. The transformer output after rectification is filtered and fed to TWT. The output voltage is regulated using phase shift control. This work is further extended in the implementation of the designed high voltage power supply in hardware.
Cite this Research Publication : K. A. Lakshmypriya and Dr. K. Deepa, “100 kHz high voltage power supply for travelling wave tube”, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, vol. 9, pp. 7187-7195, 2016.