Publication Type : Book Chapter
Publisher : Woodhead Publishing
Source : The Textile Institute Book Series, Advances in Bio-Based Fiber, Woodhead Publishing,2022,Pages 335-365
Url :,non%20structural%20applications%20are%20expounded.
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Civil
Year : 2022
Abstract : This chapter portrays the uses of the composites prepared from biofibers for civil engineering applications specifically in the building and construction sectors. The characteristics of different types of biofibers like jute, flax, palm, coir are elaborated. The various types of treatments to be employed to make the biofiber reinforcements resistant to moisture absorption and degradation during the service life of the product are discoursed. The matrices into which the fibers can be incorporated and the respective manufacturing involutions are delineated. The essential properties and the corresponding test methods for the biofiber composites for structural and non structural applications are expounded. A detailed account of the recent developments in the use of natural fibers for the retrofitting and the repair of existing structures is furnished. The purpose of natural fibers in the development of light weight concrete, acoustic, and thermal insulation materials is discussed. The role of green buildings and green composites in augmenting sustainable construction is emphasized.
Cite this Research Publication : k.M. Mini, Dhanya Sathyan, K. Jayanarayanan,15 - Biofiber composites in building and construction, Editor(s): Sanjay MavinkereRangappa, Madhu Puttegowda, JyotishkumarParameswaranpillai, Suchart Siengchin, Sergey Gorbatyuk, In The Textile Institute Book Series, Advances in Bio-Based Fiber, Woodhead Publishing,2022,Pages 335-365