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3D Reconstruction of facial structures from 2D images for cosmetic surgery

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : ICRTIT

Source : International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology, ICRTIT 2011, Chennai, p.743-748 (2011)

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ISBN : 9781457705885

Keywords : 2D images, 3-d modeling, 3D models, 3D reconstruction, Biomedical applications, Complex structure, Computerized tomography, Cosmetic surgeries, Cranio facial surgery, Digital image processing technique, Facial structure, Frontal analysis, Image processing, Information sources, Information technology, Iso surface, Isosurface extraction, Magnetic resonance, Magnetic resonance images, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Medical applications, Medical imaging, Operation planning, Photography, Skull base, Surface reconstruction, Surgery, Surgical planning, Three dimensional, Three dimensional computer graphics, Three dimensional visualization, Three-dimensional surface reconstruction, Tissue, Tissue changes, Tomographic, Visualization

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science

Year : 2011

Abstract : p3D-operation planning which makes the preoperative visualization of patient's postoperative appearance is one of the main applications in reconstructive and cranio-facial surgeries. The current preoperative surgical planning with respect to tissue changes is based mostly on frontal analysis of 2D information sources such as photographs and X-rays. It is necessary to develop an automatic guided software for performing cosmetic surgery by the process of simulating three dimensional visualization techniques suitable for the display of complex structures of the facial skeleton and of skull base. Three dimensional surface reconstruction of cranial anatomy is obtained from CT (Computer Tomographic) or MRI(Magnetic Resonance Images) images. 3D CT/MRI reconstruction of images is an attractive field generally in digital image processing techniques especially in bio-medical applications. This paper discusses the process of developing a 3D model from the given CT/MRI images based on iso-surface extraction and reconstruction. © 2011 IEEE./p

Cite this Research Publication : T. Sa Kumar and Rakesh, P. Bb, “3D Reconstruction of facial structures from 2D images for cosmetic surgery”, in International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology, ICRTIT 2011, Chennai, 2011, pp. 743-748.

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