- M. Tech. in Automotive Engineering -
- Fellowship In Interventional Pulmonology and Pulmonary Critical care - Fellowship
Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : WJPMR
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Ayurveda
Department : Roga Nidan
Year : 2022
Abstract : Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is an adult onset neurodegenerative disorder characterised by progressive degeneration of cells of the lower cranial motor nuclei, anterior horn cells of the spinal cord and neurons of the motor cortex extending to the pyramidal tracts. A 75 year old male patient had heaviness and weakness in left lower limb for 4 months. The condition rapidly progressed in the 4 months prior and found difficulty in climbing stairs and swelling in the left foot. Gradually he developed slowness of speech hence consulted allopathic hospital and treated with glutamate blockers, muscle relaxant and physiotherapy. His response to allopathic medications found to be slow. The functional rating scale for ALS i.e, ALSFRS-R was used for the assessment. The ALSFRSR score before treatment was 26 and was increased to 34 after shodhana therapy with markable improvement in speech, walking and appetite. He got significant relief in symptoms by Vatahara line of management followed by Rasayana therapy as its diagnosed as Dhatukshayjanya ekangavata. This case study demonstrates that Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis can be symptomatically managed with Ayurvedic medicines
Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Abhitha A., Dr. Prasanna N. Mogasaleand Dr. Arun Kumar, " A case study on Ayurvedic management of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ", WJPMR,Vol.8, issue 9,2022Abhitha et al.