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A clear study of augmented reality-jargons answered

Publisher : International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science

Verified : Yes

Year : 2014

Abstract : People understand things better when they visualize it. This is the very reason why AR is needed. The process of visualization of information using the combination of computer generated graphics, computer vision and advanced user interaction technology is called Augmented Reality. Its main target is on the users that they must get a realistic and interactive feel on unreal things. This is done by superimposing digital images on real world objects so that they create an illusion as if those images do exists. This paper is aimed at getting the reader a clear cut idea and understanding of what and what not is Augmented Reality. Most important thing about this article is, it is aimed at creating a basic awareness of the upcoming and complicated technology. © Research India Publications.

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