Publication Type : Journal Article
Source : International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology Engineering Science and Technology(IJARBEST), ISSN: 2395-695X, Vol.2, Special Issue 10, March 2016.
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Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Physical Sciences
Department : Mathematics
Year : 2016
Abstract : Images are imitations of factual world substances. Image can be represented in the area of digital dispensation, which can be said as another reproduction of an object. Noises are the turbulence that occurs in the image due to random dust particles. Salt and pepper noise is a noise which is mainly dependent on the intensity. When the pixels are brighter they are corrupted more. To rectify this corruption filters are used. Median filter are mainly used in the removal of the turbulence from the image because it preserves the edges from further damage. Segmentation is the process of isolating a digital image into multiple regions and retrieving useful regions for the future image analysis. The prime objective of this research work is to segment the high flow of volcanic eruption through volcano using Fuzzy C- Means algorithm and texture segmentation. Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm segments all the pixels values nearer to each other. Texture segmentation is implemented using texture filters. Local range of the image is found using texture filters. Finally range filtering exactly segments high flow of volcanic erupted area in the image.
Cite this Research Publication : V. Mageshwari and Dr. I. Laurence Aroquiaraj, "A Competent Segmentation of Volcanic Eruption Flow Through Volcano Using Fuzzy C-Means and Texture Segmentation Filter", International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology Engineering Science and Technology(IJARBEST), ISSN: 2395-695X, Vol.2, Special Issue 10, March 2016.