Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : RevistaInvestigacionOperacional
Source : RevistaInvestigacionOperacional,,41, 7,961-969,2020,ISSN: 0257- 4306, Universidad de La Habana, Cuba.(SCOPUS).
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Physical Sciences
Department : Mathematics
Year : 2020
Abstract : This paper presents a generalized class of mean estimators under simple random sampling using auxiliary variable. The observations on both the study variable and the auxiliary variable are supposed to be recorded with measurement error. The mean square error of the proposed class of estimators is derived and studied under measurement errors. Several commonly known estimators are shown as special cases of the proposed class of estimators. Simulation and numerical studies are carried out to evaluate the performance of the estimators.
Cite this Research Publication : Vishwakarma, G.K., N., A generalized class of estimators for mean in presence of measurement error.RevistaInvestigacionOperacional,,41, 7,961-969,2020,ISSN: 0257- 4306, Universidad de La Habana, Cuba.(SCOPUS).