Publication Type : Conference Proceedings
Publisher : International conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, American Institute of Physics.
Source : International conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, American Institute of Physics Inc., Volume 2080, St Joseph College of Engineering/Mangalore (2018)
Url :
ISBN : 9780735418103
Campus : Bengaluru
School : School of Engineering
Department : Mechanical
Year : 2018
Abstract : A FMCG company is a fast-moving consumer goods which are fast spreading in today's society. The challenges faced in delivering the goods to the customer is very complicated, as the customer wants the goods in shortest possible time with minimum cost. Another challenge faced by the companies is that the normal load exceeds due to sudden increase in the demand of the customers. The problem here addressed is dual in which there will be two tsp' one for the normal loads and the other for the small loads. Normal loads cover the entire tour length of the destinations covering all the customers, however the smaller loads cover only select destinations were the demand is larger. In our paper we have used GA algorithm and nearest neighbor algorithms to ascertain the validity of the GA algorithm. © 2019 Author(s).
Cite this Research Publication : Dr. T. Srinivas Rao, “A Performance Evaluation of GA Algorithm to Solve a VRP Problem with Excess loads for a FMCG Company”, International conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, vol. 2080. American Institute of Physics Inc., St Joseph College of Engineering/Mangalore, 2018.