- M. Tech. in Automotive Engineering -
- Fellowship In Interventional Pulmonology and Pulmonary Critical care - Fellowship
Publication Type : Conference Proceedings
Publisher : ACM New York, NY, USA
Source : Proceedings of the 1st Amrita ACM-W Celebration of Women in Computing in India, A2CWiC'10, ACM New York, NY, USA , Coimbatore (2010)
ISBN : 9781450301947
Keywords : Algorithms, Commonly used, Computer tomography, Computerized tomography, Fan-beam projections, Filtered backprojection algorithm, Fourier slice theorem, Fourier transforms, High precision, Human bodies, Internal organs, Mathematical transformations, Medical imaging, Quality metrics, Radon Transform, Reconstruction algorithms, Tomographic images
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Center : Computational Engineering and Networking
Department : Computer Science, Electronics and Communication
Year : 2010
Abstract : Computerized tomography is extensively used in the medical imaging field. It has made a revolutionary impact in diagnostic medicine, helping doctors to view the internal organs of the human body to a very high precision, at the same time ensuring complete safety to the patient. This paper is a study of two such reconstruction algorithms, most commonly used in computerized tomography. They are the filtered backprojection algorithm and the fanbeam projection algorithm respectively. A comparison between the performances of the two methods has been carried out using a set of quality metrics. The experimental results and the conclusions drawn are also included. © 2010 ACM.
Cite this Research Publication : T. Arathi, Dr. Latha Parameswaran, and Dr. Soman K. P., “A study of reconstruction algorithms in computerized tomographic images”, Proceedings of the 1st Amrita ACM-W Celebration of Women in Computing in India, A2CWiC'10. ACM New York, NY, USA , Coimbatore, 2010.