Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Global Journal for Research Analysis
Source : Global Journal for Research Analysis, vol. 4, no. 8, 2015.
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Arts and Sciences
Department : Commerce and Management
Year : 2015
Abstract : We have made a systematic survey to understand the present investment trends in Kollam Corporation. We prepared a questionnaire which consist various investment trends and distributed these questionnaires among various investors. We know those law income groups are not interested in investments, because they are having only for their daily needs. According to the details which we collected from the survey people of Kollam Corporation.are more interested in investment alternatives like F D, Gold, Real Estate, Life Insurance, Post Office income etc. Survey was not just a study to know the investments trends in Kollam Corporation.It was an initiative to give much awareness to the people about the various investments opportunities.
Cite this Research Publication : Pravitha N. R. and Gowari Nair, “A Study on Investment Behaviour with Special Reference to Kollam Corporation”, Global Journal for Research Analysis, vol. 4, no. 8, 2015.