Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Applied Physics Letters
Source : Applied Physics Letters, AIP Publishing, Volume 103, Number 12, p.123114 (2013)
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
School : Center for Industrial Research and Innovation
Center : Center for Industrial Research and Innovation (ACIRI)
Verified : Yes
Year : 2013
Abstract : An individual ZnO nanowire resistive switch is evaluated with Pt/ZnO nanowire/Pt topology. A detailed DC I-V curve analysis is performed to bring both the conduction mechanism and the device characteristics to light. The device is further studied at various vacuum pressures to ascertain the presence of polar charges in ZnO nanowires as the phenomenon leading to the formation of the switch. The disappearance of the resistive switching is also analyzed with two kinds of fabrication approaches Focused Ion/Electron Beam involved in the making the device and a summary of both length and fabrication dependences of resistive switching in the ZnO nanowire is presented.
Cite this Research Publication : K. R. G. Karthik, Prabhakar, R. Ramanujam, Hai, L., Sudip Kumar Batabyal, Huang, Y. Z., and Mhaisalkar, S. G., “A ZnO nanowire resistive switch”, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 103, p. 123114, 2013.