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Abstract Syntax Tree Based Unified Modeling Language to Object Oriented Code Conversion

Publisher : Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Interdisciplinary Advances in Applied Computing

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science

Verified : Yes

Year : 2014

Abstract : UML is an industry standard abstraction language, which encompasses a wide range of structural and behavioural diagrams. It reduces the gap between the functional requirements and system design phase of the software development process. Automated code generation from UML reduces development time and enables effective communication between managers and developers. Our tool exploits the one to one mapping between structural diagrams and object oriented code. Behavioural diagrams like activity, sequence and state diagrams are merged into a single structural diagram for code generation. The UML design diagrams are converted to platform independent textual representation, XML Metadata Interchange (XMI). The XMI parser generates an abstract syntax tree (AST). A template matching algorithm is used to convert the AST to the Java code. The tool also enables code generation in a phased manner to implement and verify the features of each diagram. The evaluation of the tool is shown using a case study and the results are compared with existing open source code generation tools. The generated OO code is functional and executable.

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