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ACE: Architecture for Collaborative Environments

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Thematic Areas : Amrita e-Learning Research Lab

Publisher : ICCSIT 2010

Source : Proceedings - 2010 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, ICCSIT 2010, Volume 2, Chengdu, p.78-82 (2010)

Url :

ISBN : 9781424455386

Keywords : A-view, ACE, Collaborative architectures, Collaborative environments, Collaborative object, Computer science, E-learning, Facebook, High bandwidth, High quality, Information technology, Interactivity, Low qualities, Multimedia contents, Multimedia systems, Network architecture, Online systems, Social networking (online), Virtual collaborative environments

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Center : E-Learning

Department : E-Learning

Year : 2010

Abstract : With the advent of Facebook and Twitter, people are demanding high-performance high-quality online multimedia systems where a large number of users can collaborate with each other. Incorporating these features usually results in the following issues: high bandwidth usage, lower interactivity, higher latency; and often, only low quality compressed multimedia content can be used. In this paper we present the ACE architecture which is implemented in a virtual collaborative environment and tries to overcome the mentioned drawbacks.

Cite this Research Publication : Kamal Bijlani, Rangan, P. V., Sreejith, K. H., Jayahari, K. R., and Narayan, K., “ACE: Architecture for Collaborative Environments”, in Proceedings - 2010 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, ICCSIT 2010, Chengdu, 2010, vol. 2, pp. 78-82.

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