Publication Type : Journal Article
Source : Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences
Url :|A467336441&v=2.1&it=r&sid=googleScholar&asid=12087fc0
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Medicine
Year : 2014
Abstract : Acromion fractures are often associated with high velocity trauma. These fractures are relatively rare injuries with the reported incidence being 0.1% of skeletal fractures in the literature. The pathology of Acromion non-union with associated soft tissue lesions and their treatment have been sparsely reported in the literature. Our case is that of a forty year old male with complaint of pain and restriction of his left shoulder for 7 months following a road traffic accident He was diagnosed to have an Acromion non-union with an associated posterior glenoid labral tear. We report the successful treatment of the acromion non-union and the associated posterior glenoid labral tear by a combination of Arthroscopic and open reduction procedures. KEYWORDS: Acromion, Non-union, Glenoid labrum, acromion surgery.
Cite this Research Publication : Neelakandan, Karthik, and Jai Thilak. "Acromion non-union with associated posterior glenoid labral tear." Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, vol. 3, no. 37, 21 Aug. 2014, pp. 9585+. Gale Academic OneFile, Accessed 27 Aug. 2024.