Publication Type : Journal Article
Thematic Areas : Medical Sciences
Publisher : Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy
Source : Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy, Volume 32, Number 1, p.9-10 (2010)
Url :
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Medicine
Department : Urology
Year : 2010
Abstract : Congenital vas deferens-ureteral connection is known to cause epididymitis and scrotal infections in infancy and childhood. Embryologically, the anomaly results from an abnormal high origin of the ureteric bud on the mesonephric duct with a resultant long common excretory duct being incompletely absorbed into the bladder. This report describes a rare adult presentation in a 20-year-old man where evaluation with ultrasonograms, isotope renogram, magnetic resonance imaging scans and cystoscopy with retrograde instillation of contrast into the right ureter confirmed aberrant insertion of vas deferens into the ureter associated with ureterocele and ipsilateral renal agenesis. © 2009 Springer-Verlag.
Cite this Research Publication : S. Sukumar, Khanna, V., Nair, B., and Bhat, H. S., “Adult presentation of congenital ectopic vas deferens insertion into ureter with unilateral renal agenesis”, Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy, vol. 32, pp. 9-10, 2010.