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Aerodynamic characteristics of a square section cylinder: Effect of corner arc

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Publisher : IEEE

Source : International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT)

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Year : 2017

Abstract : Numerical simulation results on the effect of corner arc (radius ‘r’) on the aerodynamic characteristics of a square section cylinder (side dimension, B) are presented in this paper. Simulation was carried out by using the commercial code ANSYS-Fluent at a Reynolds value of 2100 (based on B). Results show that as r/B ratio (CR) increases, coefficients of drag and lift decrease till CR = 0.2 further to which they increase. Whereas, Strouhal number registers an opposite trend as that of drag and lift. It is inferred that the value of the percentage of drag reduction is around 21.49% for corner ratio 0.2 configuration, which also has the highest Strouhal number = 0.17 and it proves to be the most effective configuration out of all the configurations attempted in this study.

Cite this Research Publication : Chandar, S. V., Sarath, R. S., & Kumar, R. A. (2017, April). Aerodynamic characteristics of a square section cylinder: Effect of corner arc. In 2017 2nd international conference for convergence in technology (I2CT) (pp. 814-819). IEEE.

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