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An efficient derivative free one-point method with memory for solving nonlinear equations

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Mathematics

Source : Mathematics

Url :

Campus : Chennai

School : School of Engineering

Department : Mathematics

Year : 2019

Abstract : We propose a derivative free one-point method with memory of order 1.84 for solving nonlinear equations. The formula requires only one function evaluation and, therefore, the efficiency index is also 1.84. The methodology is carried out by approximating the derivative in Newton’s iteration using a rational linear function. Unlike the existing methods of a similar nature, the scheme of the new method is easy to remember and can also be implemented for systems of nonlinear equations. The applicability of the method is demonstrated on some practical as well as academic problems of a scalar and multi-dimensional nature. In addition, to check the efficacy of the new technique, a comparison of its performance with the existing techniques of the same order is also provided.

Cite this Research Publication : Janak Raj Sharma, Sunil Kumar, Clemente Cesarano) “An efficient derivative free one-point method with memory for solving nonlinear equations”, Mathematics (2019), 7, 604; doi: 10.3390/math7070604.

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