Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : International Journal of Information and Management Sciences
Source : International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, Volume 15, Number 1, p.45-60 (2004)
Keywords : Computational methods, Customer satisfaction, Heuristic methods, Mathematical models, Performance measures, probability, Probability generating functions, Problem solving, Queueing theory, random processes, Servers
Year : 2004
Abstract : In this paper a Mx/G(a, b)/1 queueing system with multiple vacations and closedown times is considered. After completing a service, if the queue length is ζ, where ζ lt; a, then the server performs closedown work. After that the server leaves for multiple vacation of random length, irrespective of queue length. After a vacation, When he returns, if the queue length is less than 'a', he leaves for another vacation and so on, until he finds 'a' customers in the queue. After a vacation, if the server finds at least 'a' customers waiting for service, say ζ, then he serves a batch of size min(ζ, b) customers, where b ≥ a. Various Characteristics of the queueing system and a cost model with the numerical result for a particular case of the model are presented in this paper.
Cite this Research Publication : Rac Arumuganathan and Jeyakumar, Sbd, “Analysis of a Bulk Queue with Multiple Vacations and Closedown Times”, International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, vol. 15, pp. 45-60, 2004.