- M. Tech. in Automotive Engineering -
- Fellowship In Interventional Pulmonology and Pulmonary Critical care - Fellowship
Publication Type : Journal Article
Thematic Areas : Medical Sciences
Publisher : People's Journal of scientific research
Source : People's Journal of scientific research, Volume (PJSR) 2015;8(1):01-13. (2015)
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Medicine
Department : Anatomy
Year : 2015
Abstract : Hand is the most frequently used part of our body, rendering it vulnerable to injury. It is mandatory to enhance theexisting anatomical knowledge of the extensor tendons of the hand and their common variations whenever reconstructivesurgery is planned in this region. That the human extensor muscles of the hand have great variability is now a well-established fact. In the present study, data was collected by dissection of fifty hands of formalin fixed adult cadavers andalso stillborn full term fetuses. All extensor tendons to the fingers were identified, cleaned and the number and width of thetendon splits and strands were recorded. Single Extensor indicis tendon were found in 39 (78 %), hands while double andtriple together were found in nine (18%) hands.Extensor digitorum to the index finger was absent in one (2%) hand, with a single tendon in 45(90%), double andtriple together in the remaining four (8%) hands. The Extensor digitorum to middle finger with single tendon were found in36(72%), double and triple together in 13(26%) and in one case with multiple tendons (2%). The Extensor digitorum to ringfinger with single tendon were found in 22(44%), double and triple together in 22(44%) and six (12%) hands had multipletendons. The Extensor digitorum to ring finger with single tendon were found in 22(44%), double and triple together in22(44%) and in six (12%) hands with multiple tendons. No tendons of Extensor digitorum to little finger were found in29(58%) hands ; single tendon was found in 11 (22%) hands and double in 10(20%).Extensor digiti minimi tendons wereabsent in one (2%) hand, single in nine (18%), and in 35(70%) with double tendons and five (10%) had triple tendons.Abductor pollicis longus with a single tendon were found in 38(76%) hands, absent in one case (2%), double andtriple together in 11(22%) hands. The Extensor pollics brevis tendons were single in 47(94%) hands and in the remainingthree (6%) hands the tendons were double stranded. Extensor pollicis longus tendons were single in 43(86%); in remainingseven (14%) hands, the tendons were double stranded.Anomalous Abductor pollicis longus, Extensor indicis and an Extensor medii proprius were also observed duringthe study. Anatomical knowledge of the extensor tendons is important for successful tenosynovectomy in the treatmentof De Quervain disease. Knowledge of anomalous extensor tendons may also be helpful in identifying and planningtendon transfer or graft surgeries. Presence of multiple tendons may be beneficial in tendon transfer oper ations.
Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Biju Urumese Palatty, V, R., and Ky, M., “Anatomical Study of Extensor Tendons of Medial Four Fingers in Adults and Fetuses-A Cadaveric Study”, People's Journal of scientific research, vol. (PJSR) 2015;8(1):01-13. , 2015.