Publisher : Indian Journal of Public health Research & Development
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Electronics and Communication
Year : 2018
Abstract : Background of the study: Pregnancy is a special time for a woman and her family. It is a time of many changes in a pregnant woman's body. Stress during pregnancy may lead to several problems to the mother and unborn child. Stress reacts physically, mentally and emotionally to the various conditions. The aim of this study was to find out the level of stress among antenatal mothers and its association with selected demographic variables among antenatal mothers. Materials and Method: Study was conducted on 150 antenatal mothers attending in Gynecology OPD, AIMS, Kochi, Kerala. The research design used was non experimental descriptive design. Result: The present study reveals that more than half of the mothers (51%) had average to high level of stress. Majority of the sample (64%) had average level of stress in the second trimester. A statistically significant association was observed for education of antenatal women and stress. Conclusion: stress during antenatal period was observed among more than half the women and most of the mothers had average level of stress in second trimester. Stress was significant association with type of work.