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Assured Privacy and Authentication of Health Data in Cloud Using Cryptographic Algorithm

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : 2018 3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information Communication Technology

Source : 2018 3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information Communication Technology (RTEICT), IEEE, Bangalore, India (2018)

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Campus : Bengaluru

School : Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science

Year : 2018

Abstract : In this modern era many health care centers and other individual care takers create a prolific path to share and store data. So there are many applications developed for sharing data which reduces healthcare cost, but use of public clouds for this purpose includes high risks since the data is shared among multiple users, security issues are more deep-rooted and data will be vulnerable to theft. Currently, cloud service providers have the full control over the key than the patients which makes patients to feel in harm's way. The technical terms like confidentiality, availability and integrity well defines the security of data, so it is very important for the health department to secure the data. The trusted concept used in this paper is asymmetric Elgamal algorithm from the number theory concept for the web based healthcare applications along with that keyword search engine to match a particular word with existing keywords over the encrypted data. For the protection of end to end security we use protocols to protect data among authorized users. Design of webpage helps the patient to upload the encrypted data to the cloud and the authorized user can only download the data if and only if the key is present with him, finally memory usage and encryption time is calculated. This system provides end to end security for sharing of health data between a patient and an authorized user.

Cite this Research Publication : T. R. Poojitha and Dr. S. Santhanalakshmi, “Assured Privacy and Authentication of Health Data in Cloud Using Cryptographic Algorithm”, in 2018 3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information Communication Technology (RTEICT), Bangalore, India, 2018.

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