Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Source : Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, Volume 10, p.391 (2019)
Url : is external)
Campus : Kochi
School : College of Nursing
Department : Obstetrics and Gynaecologic Nursing
Year : 2019
Abstract : Preconception care is an important factor which determines the outcome of pregnancy. Many of the women among reproductive age group are unaware about the importance of preconception care and they do not follow preconception care. The purpose of the study is to assess the awareness regarding preconception care among women in reproductive age group. A quantitative research approach with descriptive survey design was used in the study. The study was coducted at Nayarambalam panchayath in Ernakulam District and ward 9th and 11th was selected using one stage cluster sampling. The study was conducted among 200 women with in the age group of 18–44 years. The awareness regarding preconception care was assessed using a semi structured questionnaire. Data analysis was done by using descriptive and inferential statistics like frequency, percentage and chi square. The study shows that 15% of the participants have good level of awareness, 74% have average level of awareness and 11% have poor level of awareness regarding preconception care. More than 60% of the participants responded correctly to items like the importance of preconception care (77%), early sign of pregnancy (69%), number of TT immunization during pregnancy (63%). The areas were least number of women responded correctly are importance of smoking cessation (33%), immunization against Rubella (37.5%) and Birth spacing (39.5%). Only 48% of the women were aware of folic acid supplementation during preconceptional period. This study high lights the role of nurse to make the women aware about the preconception care and importance of practicing preconception care.
Cite this Research Publication : L. Sunila, Viswanath, L., and Anju Philip T., “Awareness Regarding Preconception Care among Women in Reproductive Age Group”, Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, vol. 10, p. 391, 2019.