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Ayurvedic treatment protocol for chronic pelvic pain in endometriosis

Publisher : Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research

Year : 2018

Abstract :

Chronic pelvic pain presents as a main symptom in 71%-87% cases with endometriosis, a disease in which the endometrial glands and stroma grow outside the uterine cavity. The management modalities to cope with the long-standing, frustrating pelvic pain are still not reassuring. Ayurveda can provide an effective pain management protocol, though a single correlation of endometriosis cannot be made from the classical background. In the present case, a 44-year-old woman who was suffering from severe chronic pelvic pain since 20 years was managed using a definite Ayurvedic treatment protocol including shodhana (cleansing) procedure for 21 days and shamana (internal medications) for two months. The whole treatment period spanned for a total of nine months including a follow-up of six months. The patient reported a considerable improvement in her condition after the treatment. © 2018, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. All rights reserved.

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