Publication Type : Journal Article
Source : IAMJ
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Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Ayurveda
Department : Kaumar Bhritya
Year : 2019
Abstract : Swasa roga is a condition wherein the patient experiences an abnormal or distressful breathing.
Vata and Kapha dosha, causes obstruction to the
five types of Swasa roga, in which the patient feels darkness in front of eyes and considered as an
Parthiloma gati of Vata is resulting in a series of manifestations. Symptoms precipitates during cold, rainy and
cloudy climate and when gets exposed to cold wind and intake of
a disease characterized by increased responsiveness of the airways to stimuli. Prevalence of asthma has increased
globally over the last three decades and the peak incidence is seen in the age group of 5
ing factors are responsible for the causation of asthma which needs to be understood for prevention aspect. The
clinical presentation of asthma varies from recurrent cough to seve
admitted to the In Patient Department of Kaumarabhritya, SDM College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan with
complaints of difficulty in breathing since 3 years. Associated with productive cough and running nose s
3 weeks. Aggravates during exposure to cold wind, during night hours and during rainy season.
vates during supine position and subsides during sitting posture and intake of hot drinks. This condition can be
understood as Tamaka Swasa. After a thorough clinical examination and evaluation, started with
Pachana, Snehapana and then, Abhyanga, Swedana and Virechana
condition of the patient. Later, he was discharged with medicines, especia
continued at home.
Cite this Research Publication : Kannan Sagar, Shailaja. U, Anoop A.S, Reshma K. Raj, Jugal Kishore: Ayurvedic Understanding And Management Of Tamaka Swasa (Childhood Asthma) In Children - A Case Report: IAMJ: Volume 7, Issue 3, March – 2019.